• Professional Portfolio

    My skillset includes proficiency in the following platforms:

    Data Analysis: Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Power BI

    Digital engagement: MailChimp; Facebook Groups, Events, Pages; Instagram

    Graphic design: Canva, Piktochart

    Logic Models & Process Maps: Visio, Lucidchart

    Productivity & Collaboration: Microsoft Office/Teams, Google Drive, Trello, Practera

    Social media content management: Hootsuite, SproutSocial

    Video production: Powtoon

    Wireframe: Balsamiq

    Below is a selection of projects I've completed:

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    Academic Public Health Corps

    formerly Academic Public Health Volunteer Corps

    Click the APHC logo to view my portfolio of work created, using Canva, on behalf of local boards of health and public health non-profit organizations, including:

    • Council on Aging, Wenham, MA
    • Holyoke, MA
    • Public Health Institute
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    COVID-19 Response Corps

    through BUSPH Department of Epidemiology

    Designed and created an Instagram campaign, Catch Feels, Not COVID, to promote precautions & harm reduction approaches to dating & relationships during the pandemic.


    Click the photo to view one of the posts that includes multiple slides.

    Other posts can be found here, here, and here.

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    Local Department of Public Health

    through SB806: Communication Strategies for Public Health

    Co-developed a program plan, including implementation, evaluation, and communication plan to improve youth mental health.


    Created 2-minute video to promote proposed program (left), Wireframes for internal program website, and infographic.

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    Local Housing Authority

    through SB820: Assessment & Planning for Health Promotion

    Co-developed qualitative survey questions to assess the pandemic's effects on the community conditions (environment, structural oppression, and community cohesion) for residents; and how emerging factors (environment, structural oppression, and community cohesion) affected the health of residents and their susceptibility to COVID-19.


    Co-developed goals and SMART objective recommendations for Community Health Implementation Plan (CHIP)

  • Education

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    Boston University

    School of Public Health '22

    Masters in Public Health


    • Community Assessment, Program Design, Implementation, & Evaluation (CAPDIE)
    • Health Communication & Promotion
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    Cornell University

    Certificate (Online)

    Data Analytics

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    Boston University

    College of Arts & Sciences, '16

    B.A. in Sociology

    Concentration: Intersecting Identities and Inequalities


    • Public Health
    • Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies